The Dazzle Spy hunt is aimed at children aged 7-11 but anyone can take part. There is also a Dazzle Tots bug hunt for pre-schoolers so little ones can do their own easter hunt!
The Spy Hunt is for families who who have access to the common and can play the hunt as part of their 1 hour permitted walk or bike ride. The clues will be available from Sunday 12th until Saturday 18th April so lots of time to fit this in during your hours exercise one day!
Unfortunately I cannot stop people taking the clues down but hopefully this will not happen.
*Please do not drive to the common to take part. If you live a little further away (or really far away!) the clues will be available to print yourself next week.
*Please do not meet others to take part in the hunt together
*Remember social distancing! If you see another family at a clue, keep away until they have left. Thank you.
*No touching the clues please.
First download and print the map (see below). You can choose which direction you go and where you start from. Dotted around the common there are eight cryptic puzzles which will reveal eight clues. All you need is a notepad and pen or pencil to write the clues down but a small mirror may be useful for one clue! There is no order, just collect the clues. The puzzles will reveal eight words all associated with a very famous childrens book. You might work it out straight away or you might need all the clues. It doesn’t matter, just enjoy the puzzles. Take the first letters of each word of the BOOK TITLE and this password will open the spy code page … Yay!
For example – Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone will become HPATPS with no spaces.
If you are struggling to work out the book title I can give another clue.
When you open the spy code page enter your name, address and your answer and you will be in with a chance of winning an Escape Room kit posted to you, which you can play with your family at home!
The winner will be notified on Sunday 19th April.