An event every week that begins at 11:00 am on Monday, repeating until February 10, 2025
Bollywood dancing is a colourful, dynamic and highly theatrical dance style seen in Indian films, a mix of the words Hollywood& Bombay. The success of a Bollywood film can be down to the quality of the song-and-dance numbers.
It combines classical forms of dance including traditional Indian, folk, salsa, belly-dance while also incorporating more contemporary western forms such as hip hop, jazz and disco. Expressive hand gestures in Indian dance are called mudras. They come from sacred rituals in which every movement is carefully choreographed and symbolic.
The Beginners Bollywood dance course will explore in detail this super fun, high energy and upbeat dance style. Each week will focus on new mudras and a selection of Bollywood sequences and gradually building towards a final class when we combine all of our fancy moves!